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When we started this inquiry, our group asked the simple question “Has there been any progress in the move towards sustainability in respect to deforestation in the Amazon Rainforest?”  There is no doubt that there is long way to go before zero net deforestation can be reached in the Amazon Rainforest; 20-25% has already been deforested (according to Shannon Wright of Amazon Watch), there has been a recent uptake in tree removal, large swathes remain unprotected and legislation is often not enforced even where it has been put in place. Despite this, there are many reasons to be positive about the future of the Amazon. Since 2004, the general deforestation trend has dropped considerably, largely due to international pressure, as well as government policies and action from indigenous groups. Through our research and analyses our group came to the conclusion that there has been significant progress in the fight for sustainability in the Amazon Rainforest.

After we had our inquiry we presented our project and our findings at our school, to our peers. Over 10 students, and roughly 2 staff members visited our display, and we also handed out the link to our website, so people could further observe our project later on. When people came to inquire, we discussed the analysis that we ran, and the data that we gathered. Many people were surprised at a couple stats we had in our data. The feedback we received was very positive, and many people said in person and our our site that their few of deforestation was broadened. People also said that they were happy we covered some important ongoing issues.

We want to hear from you

Please leave some comments below, answering the following questions!


Are there are facts or statistics in this project you had not previously heard?

Did this project change your views on deforestation?

What other issues would you have liked us to address?


Feel free to leave any additional comments.

PDF containing all of our text information:

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